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Cindy-rella’s founder Cindy Friesen
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Cindy-rella’s founder, Cindy Friesen

They’re a cleaning company. But they don’t sell sparkling kitchen floors and lemon-fresh bathrooms- that’s amateur territory. By far, Cindy-rella’s top seller is the deep breath released when you open the door to a clean space after a long day.

Based in Steinbach, but reaching as far as Altona and Morris, Cindy-rella’s Cleaning Company specializes in residential cleaning. So what sets them apart?

“We really care. It’s more than just cleaning your house- we love to be able to help you as an individual.”

Owner Cindy Friesen’s personal experience with having a young family and a busy life is often top of mind, and she fully understands the weight of never feeling like you have time to clean, let alone relax.

“It’s really not about the actual cleaning,” she shares. “It’s knowing that we are reducing stress, helping people spend more time with their families, and giving you the chance to relax at the end of the day. That’s what we’re all about.”

For those who need a hand, but balk at the vulnerability that comes with inviting a stranger into your home, Friesen assures complete confidentiality.

“All employees sign confidentiality agreements, so whatever they see, they keep to themselves. They can’t go home and talk about it with their friends and family.” Friesen continues. “Plus, they learn that, after a while, it’s just the job. Who cares what the person’s house looks like- it’s just my job!”

To truly understand both sides of this agreement, Friesen shares that she herself occasionally hires her staff to clean her own house.

“I used to always do all my cleaning on Saturdays. I’ve had to stop, and actively choose to relax on weekends.” Friesen continues. “So if my cleaners need some extra hours, they can come clean mine. I like to know what it feels like on the client’s end- somebody coming into your home and seeing everything. A home can be a very private place. So I put myself in their shoes so that I can, you know, help serve them better and get over that fear of allowing people to see your stuff.”

Heading towards spring, the company predicts an increase in calls from homeowners looking for a deep spring clean. Cindy-rella’s selection of cleaning products is vast, including eco-friendly options, and Friesen stresses that any scent or allergy issues can easily be worked around once they’re communicated.

And if you’re the type to clean before the cleaner arrives…

“I totally understand that. I really do,” Friesen states. “But truthfully, we don’t want you to clean because it’s actually more satisfying for us when it’s dirty- it feels like we actually did something. We see the transition. So yeah, you really don’t have to go and clean up before us- we’re there to do it for you. And we’ve seen it all, so nothing’s too bad for us. We expect your house to be dirty.”

For those on the fence about getting a house cleaner, Friesen suggests they try it once.

“Just try it once and see what your experience is. See how you feel when you come home afterwards. And go from there.” She continues, “You don’t have to sign a contract, or sign up for ongoing cleans. Just once- it can’t hurt.”

As for the name, it was chosen via a good old fashioned social media crowdsource.

“I needed a name, and that’s not my strong suit,” Friesen shares. “So I put a little thing on my personal Facebook page. I said, ‘If you can help me name my business, I’ll give you a free two-hour clean.’”

A contact quickly added their contribution, and the rest is history. Memorable, pun-y, with just a touch of nostalgia, Friesen thought it was the perfect choice.

“My kids hated it at first- they thought it was ridiculous. But I love it. And they like it now, too.”

For more information about services, scheduling, and how you can freshen up your living space, visit www.cindyrellascleaningservices.ca.

Author Alias