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It was a volley of statistics during Question Period Wednesday. With the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities convention in Regina this week, the Official Opposition touched on jobs in rural Saskatchewan during Question Period. 

Jobs and Economy Critic, Aleana Young stated that since the Premier came into power, 40,600 jobs have been lost and 860 businesses have closed in rural Saskatchewan.

Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison replied that the province is seeing tremendous economic and job growth and cited 19,000 full time jobs last year and nearly $19 billion in capital investment this year.

He added that without that capital investment coming into the province, there would be no money for investments in things like health care and education.

Young cited capital investment being at 54 per cent of what it was in 2014.

Harrison then compared 16 years in office for the NDP versus the Sask Party, saying under the NDP, 20,000 people left the province but since the Sask Party has been in power, over 220,000 people have moved here.
