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Rob: Let's start with the Capital Construction, Maryse Carmichael. Water main replacement, paving some key areas are going to be on the agenda, including Main Street. this year, right?

Maryse: That's right! So, it is the time of the year where our tenders are out, where we're preparing for construction season. [The cast iron replacement project] has been the reality for Moose Jaw residents for a few years already, and this year, yes, some notable places, including Main Street, the 0 block of Main Street for [the cast iron replacement project], so it will of course impact our residents, impact visitors to the city, but we are doing a few things to ensure that we minimize the impact as much as we can.

Rob: I want to talk about that. I knew that was coming because it was probably a year ago. I believe I asked the mayor, when are we going to fix Main Street? The bottom of Main Street, from City Hall to Manitoba St. because it's not good, it's kind of embarrassing as a Moose Jaw resident. We've got tourist traffic downtown and he said that's because we're going to have to replace the water mains there. So why pave it now? We're going to replace the water mains and pave it afterwards. So that's a key area. With a lot of traffic, including tourism traffic in the summertime and I'm sure you've got that in your frame of reference as you move forward with the project.

Maryse: Absolutely. We'll know in the next few weeks exactly which areas we're going to go forward with around town. For sure on the list, is cast iron [replacement] for the 0 block of Main Street and then repaving all the way to Fairford St as you just mentioned, from Manitoba to Fairford. So those are locations that are on the list for this year. 13th of March tenders are closing so then we will be able to figure the exact scope of the work that we're doing in 2024.

Rob: How long will that take?

Maryse: It will take just a few weeks to see what we have, the returns we have from the various subcontractors and then we will have the full list. We're already planning an open house for the property owners that are affected for the 27th of March. It will be fairly quick, after we receive tenders.

Rob: March 27th, do we have a time and location set yet?

Maryse: I do not have the exact time right now, but yes, March 27th. [The details] it will be on our social media and we will issue a letter directly to the affected property owners.

Rob: And a public virtual. Open House is in the works as well?

Maryse: We will do that as well, so that the greater population can know about all those projects, that will be in April. It's important to note that because we were just talking about the 0 block of Main Street and how important of an artery it is in the city, we are fully cognizant with tourism and tourists coming into the city that we will have exceptions in place to ensure that we don't affect such a great industry in the city - tourism. The Downtown Moose Jaw Association, Tourism Moose Jaw, the Mayor and I are meeting with them in two weeks, again to ensure that the impact is fully minimized.

Rob: It was some time ago when we asked City Hall about this project and what was going to happen. We got a statement that was sent back that included “For the potential Asphalt Mill and Pave work occurring on Main St between Fairford and Manitoba, we have a hard set black out period of July/August that the Contractor will have work around.” So that work won’t be happening in July and August?

Maryse: Correct. And we know Sidewalk Days is such an important weekend in the city. So we will work around those dates for sure and stay away from the busy downtown tourist period.

Rob: OK, good thinking. Anything else we need to add about that?

Maryse: No. Looking forward to having a beautiful Main Street repaved and the other locations around town of course for [the cast iron replacement project].

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