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Titanium Mechanical

They say that in spring young folks ’minds turn to thoughts of love. Well, in Stan Hiebert’s world, homeowners ’minds turn to thoughts of sewer backup… and prevention.

Hiebert is General Manager at Titanium Mechanical, a Steinbach-based company that installs, maintains, and repairs HVAC systems and provides plumbing solutions for residential and commercial buildings across the Southeast.

“Everybody can have issues with their sump pump in spring,” shares Hiebert. “So a plumbing inspection is a very good idea.”

When Titanium Mechanical visits your home for a plumbing inspection, they look at your sump pump, but they do a lot more, too.

“We’ll check your sewer system, we’ll go over your hot water tank to ensure there’s no corrosion or leaks, and in your kitchen and bathrooms we’ll check to see if your water faucets are dripping and your drains are draining properly.”

Hiebert says that with a plumbing inspection, Titanium Mechanical will also do an accessment with the plumbing in the septic tank. It’s a good idea to do this sort of maintenance on a yearly basis, to catch small problems before they grow into bigger issues.

“People don't realize trees like to grow roots into their sewer tanks. Those roots like to find water the easiest way possible, and if your cement tank has a crack, that root will find that crack, it’ll grow in there and soon it's going to wreck your piping. That’ll cause backups into your home, and then you'll have a flooded basement… and an insurance claim.”

Essentially, a plumbing inspection is preventative maintenance. Titanium Mechanical charges just $89.90 plus mileage to come into your home and check it out. A reasonable price, for peace of mind.

As for the amount of time an inspection would take, Hiebert says it could take anywhere from half an hour to a couple of hours, depending on the age and square footage of the house and whether it rests on a crawl space or full basement.

“As we head toward the spring season, one thing that we definitely recommend is if you’re living in low lying areas where you have a lot of water overflow, make very sure your sump pump is working,” advises Hiebert. “If your sump pump has had problems or isn’t working at all, we can upgrade your system. Titanium offers a battery backup system when your sump pump fails or there is a power outage, for your own peace of mind.

To get an idea of the level of service you could expect from Titanium Mechanical, check out their track record online. And to book a plumbing inspection, give them a call at (204) 392-2924 or visit their website.
