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(Photo via Rosetown and District Food Bank on Facebook)

A break-in causing property damage at the Rosetown and District Foodbank last week forced the organization to temporarily close. 

Thankfully, losses were minimal and after a few hours of cleanup, the doors were back open. 

Chairperson for the Rosetown and District Foodbank Joanne Stanyk explains.  

“We were only down for part of the day and were very fortunate there really wasn't too much missing, that we could account for. It was more just property damage on our side and all things considered, we came out pretty unscathed. A little bit of property damage that will get fixed up here right away but yes, we are open for business.” 

Stanyk expressed appreciation for the community response which was quick following the incident. 

“Wonderful. People stepped forward right away once they heard about it. We tried to stay in constant communication through our Facebook page.”  

While donations of any kind are always welcomed, Stanyk outlines the current top needs. 

“We're always in need of our canned fruits, canned vegetables, cereal, granola bars and lunch items for kids are always welcome as well.” 

Apart from the break-in, the Rosetown and District Foodbank is in the final week of their food drive. Folks can purchase a “Good Buy to Hunger Bag” which is donated to the food bank, and every purchase gets the customer entered to win a grand prize.  

“Right now, they're offering that if you buy a Good Buy to Hunger Bag, they will put your name into a draw for a 60-second shopping spree within the grocery store,” says Stanyk. "The minute-long shopping spree will take place in the Central Plains Co-op food store in Rosetown. The food drive ends Friday, April 5th. 

Author Alias