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Calvin and Andrea Fehr (Clairmont Community Church) FB
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Photo: Andrea Fehr FB page

Congratulations to Calvin and Andrea Fehr, from Clairmont Community Church, our latest Date Night on Daniel winners.

Calvin and Andrea won a $100 gift card to Mr. Mike's Steakhouse Casual and a Cineplex gift card courtesy of Daniel Cram of Sutton Realty.

Jennifer nominated the couple, "Calvin is the board chair at Clairmont Community Church and Andrea is the Bread Plus Pantry coordinator. Since we are currently in the process of searching for a new pastor, Calvin's role has taken on a lot more responsibility. The current economy has also increased the need in Clairmont for food bank supports, thus leading to a higher demand on the Bread Plus Pantry. Together, Calvin & Andrea work to encourage & support not only the church congregation, but the community as well & they definitely could use a Date Night on Daniel".

Nominate your ministry leader today for a Date Night on Daniel.
