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Red River east of Letellier last spring
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Red River east of Letellier last spring

With the lack of snowpack this Spring, and melting which primarily occurred in March, the risk of flooding along the Red River remains low. Morris Mayor Scott Crick says even though floodproofing work on Highway 75 south of town was completed last year, it's still a sigh of relief knowing the community will not be facing a high water event this Spring.

"I think at some point, and although there hasn't been anything specific said by the Province, I know the original plan was to raise Highway 75, so it would still be contiguous right through any flooding event," noted Crick. "I don't think that's currently on the province's radar, but I would not be surprised if that is still a long-term plan."

The significant upgrades to Highway 75 south of Morris provide flood protection for the major north/south thoroughfare up to 2009 flood levels, the second most severe Red River flood since 1950.

With flooding expected to be a non-issue this Spring, moving forward, Crick says it's the possibility of drought that has him the most concerned. During his tenure as mayor, Morris has struggled with a variety of conditions from flood to near-flood to drought.

"Unfortunately, it looks like that high variability is going to be continuing again this year," said Crick. "It looks like we're actually still part of a, funny enough, little bit of a longer drought cycle right now. Despite the spring runoff and melt, we are going through a bit of a dry cycle."

Crick continued further with the thought of whether the region will be in a worsening drought situation later this Spring and facing the possibility of water use reduction requests similar to a few years ago.

Author Alias