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Kam Blight at AMM convention 2024.
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Kam Blight.

Municipal government officials spent some time in Brandon this week at the spring convention and trade show of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM). 

It wrapped up on Thursday and President Kam Blight says this edition of the convention was more of a networking and educational series of events. 

Several break-out sessions took place to dive into specific issues that are impacting municipalities the most. 

"I would suggest that first of all, the overall attendance, having well over 600 individuals in attendance, is excellent for this time of year, especially given the great weather that we're having outside. A lot of our breakout sessions are specifically directed toward issues that we've heard when touring around and visiting Manitoba municipalities this past year. A lot of the topics are very relevant to the issues and the challenges municipalities are facing today, and I think that's been a real positive takeaway from this event so far." 

He notes the spring convention usually accompanies the province's largest trade show, adding the day-and-a-half-long trade show was very well received.  

"There have been some excellent keynote speakers, whether it be around communication strategies for elected officials or presentations on health. Shared Health was here (Wednesday) and spoke to retention, training, and recruitment in the provincial health workforce. We also have a presentation on delivering critical care anywhere in Manitoba, and a lot of other excellent breakout sessions, whether that be on drainage or aquatic invasive species, housing-related issues, and municipal governance in itself. So, it's just a lot of great events going on here today. I know our delegates are very excited and we're very pleased with how the conference has played out."  

Blight says the province had some great representation despite the government being in the house at this moment.  

Bernadette Smith, Point Douglas MLA and Minister of Housing, Addictions and Homelessness, was there, along with other key staff. 

Blight says the AMM was very appreciative of their attendance.  

He adds many talks took place that focused on the recent provincial budget and the work that the AMM still has to do going forward. 

All in all, Blight says they've had a very positive vibe at this year's meeting, with plenty of excitement for the coming months. 

Author Alias