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The upcoming strategic planning ‘Lunch and Learn’ hosted by Homefield People and Strategy (HPS) is free and could help your business grow but you need to sign up now.

Brynden Devenny is the Manager of Client Experience at HPS says, “It's an opportunity to come together with other leaders in the community and just talk about what are your goals? What are your priorities? How are you going to take your business from where it is to where you actually want it to be?”

The entire event on April 24 in Portage is free with a portion of time set aside for lunch, networking and an introduction to strategic planning for your business with experts from Homefield People and Strategies.

Devenny says every business is headed somewhere but leaders often only have a ballpark idea of what they want and how to get there.

“What could it look like in five years from now? I want it to grow this way. I want to move into this market. I want my employees to be so excited to come to work. Now how do we make actually happen and make your place of business a great place to work, a great place for customers.”

Homefield People and Strategy works together with local business leaders to create healthier and more productive workplaces.

“We have experience with hundreds of clients here in Manitoba and across Western Canada. We've worked with businesses with one employee who never sold anything before all the way up to businesses that have several thousand employees across every industry, every sector. “

HPS has a track record of helping businesses grow.

“We've had the opportunity to see businesses grow from ‘not sure what to do,  I don't know what we're going to do,  I don't know if we're going to be in business in a couple of years’  to thriving and really impacting their communities.”

Even the timing of the event is strategic.

“We know organizations tend to be a little bit quieter through the summer, they have more time to think, to plan, to dream. So that's why we're doing this one now.” 

Click here to register to attend the strategic planning lunch and learn on April 24 in Portage.

Author Alias