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Restoring our Relationship to the Land Workshop
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Restoring our Relationship to the Land Workshop

You are invited to attend a special, FREE, one-day workshop entitled Restoring Our Relationship to the Land: Indigenous Wisdom and Planting Practices, this Saturday, May 4th at the Millennium Exhibition Centre in Altona

It's an exciting opportunity to listen and learn from three important guest speakers about land, planting practices, and Indigenous wisdom surrounding nature and healing. Check out the bios for all three guest speakers below!

While onsite registration is an option, they would greatly appreciate if participants would pre-register for the event, so they can get a sense of how many folks to expect! You can do that here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflMlrj--XxUfBp3tybwBievDVi2S8P4XEDbusiWBQhzcjdlw/viewform

CFAM Morning Show co-host Zack Driedger got all the details from Jamie Friesen Pankratz, Steps Toward Reconciliation member, enjoy their chat below:



Audio file
Author Alias