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NWP website
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Photo: NWP Website

Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) is introducing two new online certificates tailored to empower educational assistants with essential skills required for Alberta classrooms.

Commencing from Fall 2024, NWP will launch an Educational Assistant (EA) certificate specializing in Literacy Supports, with an additional certificate focusing on Inclusion Supports slated for the Winter 2025 term.

The certificates are crafted with convenience and adaptability in mind, each spanning a four-month duration. Comprising virtual classroom modules, students will engage in work-integrated learning placements towards the culmination of their studies, enabling them to pursue their qualification alongside their existing employment or other obligations.

While NWP presently offers a 12-month EA certificate program, the new additions afford learners the opportunity to hone specific skills. The Educational Assistant - Literacy Supports certificate will concentrate on foundational literacy concepts, while the Educational Assistant - Inclusion Supports will equip graduates to assist students with exceptional needs. Upon completion, credits from these courses can be applied towards NWP's comprehensive Educational Assistant certificate.

Discover more about NWP’s Educational Assistant programs and prospects at NWP.me/Education.

Information provided by: Northwestern Polytechnic


