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Inmate Daniel talking to the ministry God Behind Bars. (Screenshot: God Behind Bars/Instagram)
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Inmate Daniel talking to the ministry God Behind Bars. (Screenshot: God Behind Bars/Instagram)

A ministry called God Behind Bars is seeing many miracles come out of prisons, including a former Satanist who is now on fire for the Lord. 

"I am in prison for a very long time," says Daniel in a video interview on Instagram. "God has delivered me from gang-banging, from being on drugs, and being in a satanic cult that I’ve never seen anybody get out of."

Being involved in a Satanic cult didn't only affect Daniel's life, but also his family's.

"It was very dangerous for me and my family, but the Lord did many signs and wonders and miracles and revealed Himself to me, and I went from targeting demons to now casting them out."

The evidence of God was too real to deny in Daniel's life, which is why he shares the gospel as much as he can. 

"When I hear the name of Jesus, it makes me cry. Somebody told me I praise God too much! I thank God for it all. There’s lots of things I’ve seen God do that nobody else can do."

Daniel goes on to explain that he's been out of the occult and its practices for about a year. Initially, he was just trying to learn things on a deeper level and before he knew it he was a part of this cult. However, he shares that God has set him free, even though he'll be behind bars for a long time. 

"I stand in awe of the creator of Heaven and earth. I know Him for real. God doesn’t give us the green light to boast about many things in the Bible, but that’s one of them: He says if you know Him, boast in that. I know Him, and I make my boast in Him!"
