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(Trampolines/ Facebook)

A popular electronic Christian band is using the proceeds from their shows to support their missions and humanitarian work.

Trampolines, made up of husband-and-wife duo, Lane and Cary Terzieff, felt called to use their musical talents to do more than entertain.

Before becoming the band, they are today, Lane had been sacrificing his life’s stability to pursue pop music as a mission field for over ten years, using successful DJ sets to carry Jesus’s radical love worldwide. Meanwhile, Cary was a recovered drug addict whose encounter with God left her with a resurrection story that demanded to be shared. 

“I read the Bible and I just think, we gotta do this stuff,” said Lane referring to James 1:27: “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress.”

“The closer we get to God, the closer we get to His people, the more we want to pursue the mission,” said Lane. “That’s why we were like, ‘What if we gave 100% of the profits back to missions?’ Cary and I say it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. It just feels like we’re in lockstep with God.”

That's what they've been doing ever since. The band has been everywhere from North America to Southeast Asia to Europe and Africa. 

Trampolines most recent trip was a 12-day visit to Ukraine, alongside their nonprofit organization, UNIT-E Response Team, where they did six shows in five regions and seven cities. They also provided Ukrainians with much-needed food, medical supplies and other humanitarian aid.

"Please pray for Ukraine. There is still so, so much going on here. This place was just bombed just a few days ago, Kharkiv, and people are living every day with air alerts going off on their phones and over the city sirens to let them know that there are missiles in the air that can hit this location," said Lane while walking through the streets of Ukraine.

He went on to thank the people who supported their mission in Ukraine. 

"The Bible says pure religion in the sight of God looks like caring for widows and orphans in their distress. And that's exactly what we're doing. We are loving our brothers and sisters here in Ukraine. We hope to come back as soon as possible and continue to do this work."
