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Terra Huston says this investment will be a game-changer for the organization

Carman Wellness Connections will have the resources it needs to support the community for years to come, thanks to the $300,000 multi-year investment announced by the Province yesterday. 

The grassroots group was singled out by Premier Wab Kinew for its volunteers who helped the community heal after a local mom, her three kids and niece were murdered in February. 

Mayor Brent Owen noted, this investment will help keep families together, and children safe. 

"The tragedy in February shook our community to the core. Almost three months later, I know many are still feeling the impacts of it," he said. "During this time, many of us have found hope in watching our community come together and support each other. Carman Wellness Connections was a crucial part of this."

Mayor Brent Owen noted, this investment will help keep families together, and children safe. 

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Mayor Brent Owen noted, this investment will help keep families together, and children safe. 

With the funding, the group will be able to make some of its formerly out-of-reach dreams, a reality.

"For the past four years, we've continued to work as a volunteer organization, I mean, worrying about every hundred dollars, to do the work that we want to do and having many dreams and visions that we could not make happen because of the lack of funding," said board member, Karen Tjaden. 

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Board member, Karen Tjaden. 

One of those dreams, is to add staffing resources.

"We don't know what exactly that's going to look like, but that is our dream," added fellow board member, Terra Huston. "Thanks to this amazing announcement, we are going to be able to have paid staff and that's going to be a game-changer for us."

The mission of Carman Wellness Connections is to provide mental health resources and generate connections and opportunities that contribute to the creation of a community where everyone can flourish. 

Rose Durupt is a testament to that mission, starting, initially, as someone who accessed those resources but progressed to become one of the decision-makers around the board table. Listen to her story below. 

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Rose Durupt and Terra Huston at Wednesday's announcement


Author Alias