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Traffic flow and volume changes associated with the opening 40th Avenue interchange have meant that there also needs to be a revision of where future traffic signalization may need to be installed. (FIle photo)
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Traffic flow and volume changes associated with the opening 40th Avenue interchange have meant that there also needs to be a revision of where future traffic signalization may need to be installed. (FIle photo)


Traffic flow and volume changes associated with the opening 40th Avenue interchange have meant that there also needs to be a revision of where future traffic signalization may need to be installed.

On Tuesday, Council agreed to endorse a scope change for the 2024 Traffic Signals, which would mean new installations approved budget by, 're-allocating funding toward the intersections of Main Street/South Towerlane entrance and Main Street/ (Elk Hill/Ridgegate Way).' It was noted that only the locations are proposed to change and there would be no budget impact on previously approved funds. 

Rick Wiljamaa, who presented to city council on Tuesday before council's decision gave a detailed breakdown of how much and where traffic flow and volume have changed and what led to this decision by administration to initiate a change in their plans.

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During a presentation to City Council, it was noted that since the opening of the 40th Avenue Interchange, traffic volume has changed in key areas of the city. (Graphic credit to The City of Airdrie)

"Kingsview Boulevard; we've seen substantial changes in traffic there. If we look north of 40th Avenue, we've seen a substantial increase in traffic of between 130 and 145 per cent depending on the direction of travel," Wiljamaa said. "If we look at south of Yankee Valley Boulevard, we have seen a decrease of 23 and 28 per cent, northbound and southbound respectively."

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During a presentation to City Council, it was noted that since the opening of the 40th Avenue Interchange, traffic volume has changed in key areas of the city. (Graphic credit to The City of Airdrie)

A council agenda report added that the city's 2024 budget had requested funding, which was approved, in anticipation that changes as a result of the 40th Avenue Interchange.

"The originally proposed locations were at the intersections of Yankee Valley Boulevard and Kings Heights Gate, as well as Kingsview Boulevard at the intersections of either Kingsview Way Southeast or Kingsview Road Southeast. However, under the new 2024 analysis, these intersections have dropped below the level where traffic signalization is warranted."


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Traffic flow and volume changes associated with the opening 40th Avenue interchange have meant that there also needs to be a revision of where future traffic signalization may need to be installed. (Graphic credit to The City of Airdrie)

The agenda report surmised that if the City were to install signals currently at these intersections the result would decrease traffic flow and increase traffic delay.   

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Traffic flow and volume changes associated with the opening 40th Avenue interchange have meant that there also needs to be a revision of where future traffic signalization may need to be installed. (Graphic credit to The City of Airdrie)

"...Administration then reviewed the next highest ranked intersections. Based on this review the next intersections proposed for signalization were determined to be Main Street at the South Towerlane entrance and Main Street at Elk Hill/Ridgegate Way, to support the opening of the Airdrie Multi-Use Facility and Library (AMUFL) in 2025."

Traffic signal installation at these intersections was originally proposed to be in the 2025 Capital Budget though earlier funding approval will allow for expedited design and ordering of long-lead time traffic signal components. 

Deputy Mayor Al Jones said that while he agreed with the idea of the new proposed areas of traffic signalization, he said that he was unsure whether completely doing away with traffic signalization on Kingsview Boulevard was a prudent idea.

"On the west side of Kingsview Boulevard, just immediately north of Kingsview Way and the south of it, they’re [motorists] just going around rather than trying to cross Kingsview Boulevard to go north," Deputy Mayor Jones said. "They're going to where the secondary road is and cutting through the parking lot [there]. That's the alternative they're using rather than trying to sit there waiting for an opportunity to turn north, which suggests that is not safe. I think that deserves a second look in the interest of public safety as a whole."

Councillor Tina Petrow also supported the request to re-evaluate the idea of traffic signalization on the two intersections on Kingsview Boulevard.

 “I just come from the west side straight across and I go up and I see some very precarious situations with people trying to make left-hand turns on that very busy road."

With regard to the proposed traffic signalization on Main Street, Councillor Ron Chapman underlined that with the number of lights in the area, synchronization is key.

Councillor Petrow also posed questions about the potential use of traffic circles on Main Street.

"When we went through this whole downtown revitalization planning, I'm going to be very careful here because I know there's mixed opinions in the community about traffic circles; but we've talked about traffic circles on that road, but now we're going and spending infrastructure dollars to put signalization there. Are we going to be putting traffic circles in there later and these are throwaway dollars?"

However, it was clarified that an interim solution, especially with regard to the new library, would be to have traffic signalization.

"In the future, we could go to traffic circles if deemed appropriate by council or residents and we could move those signals, so it's not thrown away dollars. We will put them at the intersection that would require signalization at that point."

The council agenda report concluded that 'administration will continue to assess the need for signalization at intersections throughout the city and will recommend installation of signals as warranted.' 

"Additionally, administration continues to monitor traffic volumes in relation to the opening of 40th Avenue Interchange and will continue to advise council on potential capital budget changes during 2025 budget deliberations."

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