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Rob: Take Five with Carnie and Carmichael featuring Moose Caw City Manager Maryse Carmichael talking about a number of ongoing issues and the things that are top of mind for Moose Jaw residents. First of all, let's talk about Main Street infrastructure renewal. City manager, we talked about that in a previous episode, telling us we're going to get it underway. And in fact, it is underway. 

Maryse: It is underway and we're excited because it will mean a really beautiful surface on Main Street, plus the cast iron work done underneath. And I think with the beautiful weather, lots of people are on Main Street and my main message is that all businesses are open. People can access. It's a little bit different of course to access, but all businesses are open and at 0 block of Main Street we will actually start milling between High Street and Fairford starting this coming Monday for the week. So, that will happen this week and the following week. And then of course, we're continuing. So the entire project is about 4 to 8 weeks total between Manitoba and Fairford. 

Rob: With a goal of getting it all done and ready for sidewalk days in July. Correct? 

Maryse: Absolutely, absolutely. The goal is to be all done by the end of June and then make sure that we have the prime of our tourism season downtown Moose Jaw that we have a new surface and that there's no construction there. 

Rob: Unfortunately, it has to happen during the the spring and summer, but you can't do it in the winter and it's worked out as necessary those cast iron water mains are ancient. 

Maryse: Absolutely. Absolutely. We're talking about, you know, 70-80 years. We always have little surprises when we're digging and trying to find and do the work there, but so far we're continuing, we're on schedule and we'll advise you if there's any other changes. 

Rob: Are we finding any new tunnels? 

Maryse: Not that I know of. I haven't. I should ask the question actually, but I haven't been told. 

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