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Reaching Souls International works with local evangelists to help them preach the Gospel within their communities. (Reaching Souls International/ Facebook)

A ministry based out of the United States has partnered with missionaries across the globe, to help people come to know Jesus. 

Since its inception in 1986, Reaching Souls International has witnessed millions of salvation decisions and thousands of church plants.

"In 2022, we hit a huge milestone where we witnessed the 100 millionth salvation decision. We were super excited to celebrate that," said Reaching Souls International President and CEO, Dustin Manis. " We count each person that indicates a decision to trust in Christ and Saviour because each person is worth counting."

Manis says the ministry doesn't save anybody; God does all of that. 

"They're his results," said Manis. "They belonged to him anyway, but we want to count them to praise him for it."

Instead of sending out evangelists from the United States, Reaching Souls International works with local evangelists to help them preach the Gospel within their communities most effectively and efficiently.

"Right now, we have 2442 of these national missionaries serving in 17 countries," Manis explained. "We support them with training, various tools, and sometimes bicycles, so they can go further and reach villages too far to walk with portable sound systems that make their voice strong in the marketplace."

Manis says it's a humbling experience to be a part of. 

"I've been doing this for 30 years. I still haven't lost the zeal for it. I praise the Lord for that," said Manis. "You turn on the news today and the world is on fire, and we get to come to work every day, and even though it's hard, all we see is the good news."

Currently, Reaching Souls International is working on expanding into Southeast Asia. Their next goal is to reach one billion souls for Christ.   
