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Brooke and Jeffrey Canady with their two children.
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Brooke and Jeffrey Canady with their two children. (Brooke Sheffield Canady/Facebook)

A Kentucky woman is giving all the glory to God after her son made a quick entrance into the world. 

On May 8, at 37 weeks pregnant, Brooke Canady woke up feeling sick. She decided to take the day off work. Shortly after waking she started having strong contractions only five minutes apart. 

After calling her doula for advice, Canady remembers calling her husband to let him know she needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible. 

"Once we were in the car on our way, my contractions were so intense the only thing I could say was, ‘flashers,’ telling my husband to turn on his flashers and get to the hospital as quickly as he could," Canady shared with a news station. "Fifteen minutes into our drive, my body started involuntarily pushing."

Canady was silent the whole time, deep in concentration. Before she knew it her son, Truett, was born into the world. Canady's husband Jeffrey had his eyes solely focused on the road, trying to get to the hospital. 

"He was driving like crazy, and I saw [the baby’s] head, and then his little shoulders, and then his little arms reach up," says Canady. "And I just put him on my chest right while we were pulling into valet, and he parked the truck, and had no idea I had the baby and looked over at me and looked like he just saw a ghost." 

The couple was met at the hospital by staff who took the baby to make sure things were fine. Although the delivery was fast, both mom and baby were perfectly healthy. 

"As soon as we got inside and knew that everything was truly OK, [Jeffrey] said, ‘Well, I guess we’ve got to be careful what we pray for because the night before, we prayed for a quick, smooth, and seamless delivery.' All three of those things happened."

Canady had complications with her first birth, but this second one, while a surprise, was an answer to prayer. 

"The birth experience I had was everything I could’ve ever wanted and a true testimony of God’s faithfulness and the amazing capability of a mother bringing her baby into the world."
