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Wife of Rodeo star, Spencer Wright, Kallie Wright with the couple's three children. Steeley, đ™»đšŽđšŸđš’, Brae. (officialspencerwright/ Instagram)

Update: Kallie Wright says family is letting three-year-old Levi go after being found unconscious in creek

Rodeo star Spencer Wright and his wife Kallie continue to ask for prayers after their three-year-old son was found in a creek unconscious. He has woken up but the family still asks for prayers for the long road to recovery. 

On May 21, Levi Wright was playing with his tractor by a creek outside his Beaver County, Utah home. When Kallie looked back, Levi was nowhere to be found.  

She quickly called 9-1-1 for help and found him about a mile in the water, unconscious.

Kallie took to Facebook to share an update the following day that while Levi woke up, there's still a long road to recovery. "Levi waking up doesn't mean he's fully coherent or talking or anything like that. Just that he opened his eyes for a period of time, wiggled with purpose and less like just a reflex as before. We still have a very long and tremendous road ahead of us, full of unknowns."

While the family has continued to receive some hard news, Wright says she's not ready to give up. "The MRI wasn't good, we're shattered but it is just images that suggest a certain quality of life. Our real teller of all will be what Levi does over the course of a few days. Please continue to pray! I'm not giving up on my baby just yet," she posted to Facebook. 

Over three thousand people commented on the post saying that they're praying for the young family. "I won't stop!" One read.

On May 28, Kallie posted another update, letting those who have been praying and following Levi's journey that he's getting another 24-hour EEG (electroencephalogram) which monitors brain wave activity and has a MRI on May 31. 

While the EEG on Thursday didn't provide anything different than what they had known before, Kallie says on Facebook, "It was one of the things we felt we needed to do again. They are keeping Levi comfortable, they attempted to wean sedation and he did not handle it. It was heartbreaking to watch and he is now heavily sedated until the next step. The MRI is tomorrow. It may show a difference from the first, it may not. We are checking & double-checking all we can! Again, Levi is our number 1 priority in all of this. We are having several conversations a day with doctors, rehabs, and neurologists to help us better serve him!"

Through the challenges of the last ten days, the Wright family continues to pray for a miracle for Levi. Kallie said on Facbook that they've already seen miracles. "I know you're all praying for a miracle, we are too but make no mistake, many miracles have already surrounded us during this tragedy. Many of you gained perspective on what truly matters in this world, many of you connected with God again & felt His presence, many of you came together to create and witness magic as a community. These are just the main ones that come to mind. I thank Levi for that." 
