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Life Culture held their annual Walk for Life on June 2 at KR Barkman Park. 

The afternoon kicked off with a free BBQ lunch for everyone and speeches followed by the walk.  

Speakers Regan Brewster and Lorna Olfert shared their experiences facing unplanned pregnancy and the challenges they overcame.  

They also had bouncy castles and face painting for the little ones to enjoy before the walk. 

Susan Penner, the Executive Director of Life Culture speaks about what the walk is. 

“It’s our annual Walk for Life event and this is a celebration of life and also shows support to women who face an unplanned pregnancy and need some help,” she says. “We are here today to be a voice for the unborn, to support women, and to share our belief that every human life, no matter the age, ability, or circumstance, is precious and deserving of life. We walk today not out of judgement or condemnation, but out of love and compassion."

The walk is also known as a giant baby shower as participants are encouraged to bring different baby items. 

“We are so excited that at the walk, we don’t only walk, we collect items for single moms, for families that may be struggling, we really want to tangibly show that we care for women as we walk as well,” Penner explains.

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Gifts donated by walkers to help in need mothers

“What we ask people to do is bring a baby item, preferably diapers but it can be anything. We collect all these items throughout the afternoon and then when the walk is over, we distribute them to different organizations. We keep some but also give them to other organizations that are working to help single moms.” 

Women in need of help are encouraged to visit the Life Culture website. They have many different support groups and resources to help.  

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Check out the pictures from the walk:  
