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Alberta’s government is taking significant action to promote healthy aging in Alberta, so that seniors have the support they need to help them live in their homes for as long as possible. 

Seniors are the pillars of Alberta’s communities. The first week of June marked Seniors’ Week, and significant investments were made to senior supports. Seniors across the province have told our government that they want to live in their homes for as long as possible. That is why, Alberta’s government is taking significant action to promote healthy aging in Alberta, so that seniors are guaranteed the best outcomes possible as they age.

"Beaverlodge FCSS is receiving $30,000 from Alberta's government, through Healthy Aging Alberta, to expand day-today in-home services for seniors. This funding will help give seniors the supports they need to live happy, healthy, and independent lives in their communities,” said MLA Ron Wiebe, Grande Prairie-Wapiti.

This investment includes $30,000 for Beaverlodge FCSS which will be used for home and community supports.

Grande Prairie Seniors Outreach MOW will receive $170,000. The funds will be used for home and community supports.

There are currently 790,000 seniors in the province of Alberta. In 2023, the seniors population increased by about 2,500 each month. The province’s seniors population is expected to increase to more than one million by 2035.

Information provided by the United Conservative Caucus
