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CLAAS campaigning for the rights of Christians in Pakistan. (claas.org)

A Christian woman has been arrested in Lahore on charges of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The arrest followed an FIR filed at the North Cantonment police station, Lahore by Asif Ali, a local shopkeeper.

According to the FIR, Ali reported that at approximately 6:30 a.m. on June 4, Jamila Jacob, a Christian woman visited his shop for Sunsilk shampoo. She requested another brand after being dissatisfied with the product. Ali alleges that Jacob began to make derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after noticing an Islamic religious inscription in the shop. Ali also alleges that Jacob went on to say, "Jesus Christ is better than your prophet,” and continued to make blasphemous comments. The FIR states that there were witnesses on hand including, Wajid Ali, Usman Ali, and other shopkeepers.

Jacob was arrested from her home based on the complaint, and an FIR was quickly registered under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code. This section states that blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad, carries severe penalties, including the death penalty. Jacob has been reported to be mentally challenged and has been taken into custody as there are rising tensions in the area. 

There have been conflicting accounts from eyewitnesses and neighbours, suggesting that the altercation did not occur how it was reported, and was actually minor and did not involve any blasphemous remarks. Despite this, the complaint filed by Ali led to Jacob's arrest which launched a swift and severe response from the community. A mob gathered and demanded her arrest as news of the alleged blasphemy spread.

Human rights organizations and civil society groups argue that it is not uncommon for Pakistan's blasphemy laws to target religious minorities and settle personal scores. They call for a thorough and impartial investigation and the immediate release of Jacob.

The director of CLAAS-UK, Nasir Saeed has expressed deep concern over the entire situation and mentions that this is not an isolated incident. Pointing out that in recent months, there have been at least three blasphemy cases registered. 

There was also a recent attack in Sargodha, when Nazir Masih's house and shoe factory were set on fire before he was tortured and died in the hospital. Saeed mentioned that the memorial service that was held on June 5 in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha, was a sombre reminder of the ongoing violence against Christians in Pakistan.

Now, this most recent case against Jacob has fear spreading across the Christian community who feel more and more insecure. Saeed said that Christians are still reeling from the Jaranwala incident, where despite numerous arrests, most suspects have been released on bail. "The failure of the government to form a judicial commission has left the Christian community disappointed and feeling unprotected," Saeed said in a news release.

In 2024, Pakistan ranked seventh on Open Doors' World Watch List of the most difficult places to be a Christian. The commonality of blasphemy laws for settling personal grudges has become more and more common, with little action by the government to keep the residents safe. 

Christians throughout Pakistan are calling for legal reforms to be taken urgently to limit the use of blasphemy laws and protection for all citizens. 

The national and international community are watching closely to see how Pakistan handles Jamila Jacob’s case. 
