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Rob- It's Take 5 with Carnie and Carmichael, featuring Moose Jaw City Manager, Maryce Carmichael. Always a pleasure to see you, Maryse. Thanks for being here. 

Maryse- Thank you. Especially now that finally the sun is out. We’ve had lots of rain, but now it’s nice. 

Rob- Yeah, real nice. And speaking about the sun being out, summer construction and summer tourism season, the first things on our agenda, let's first of all talk about summer construction. It seemed like it was taking forever and then suddenly it’s done. Main Street, at the bottom of Main Street. That was done pretty quickly. 

Maryse- That was done very quickly, and I have to tip my hat to our engineering project team. They did the work with our contractor and yes, we were basically five weeks, it was all completed. So, we're really happy we have the Hometown Fair parade, we have Sidewalk Days coming, all the businesses on Main Street. I mean that's prime time right now, mid-June, for the rest of the summer. So, re-opened— all complete. 

Rob- And the ancient water main is replaced.  

Maryse- Yes, it is. It is, and it's amazing what you find when they when they go and dig, but this one is completed. So, we're on to River Street for just one block. 

Rob- Very good, and so nice to have that asphalt there on Main Street. We desperately needed that road to be fixed and it’s just a nice drive for a couple of blocks. 

Maryse- Yes, well actually almost three blocks now because there was the infrastructure, but we also did High (street) to Fairford. So that's all completed now. 

Rob- What else is going on with construction season? They say there's two seasons in Saskatchewan, there's winter and construction season, and of course, there's lots of construction. The project that got started last year was finished this year over on 16th Ave. Northwest, cast iron Water Mains replaced. I think that project is finished. 

Maryse- That's right, that is finished, we finished paving Fairford as well, and now we’re also completing on South Hill on Coteau from 9th to 12th. 

Rob- Okay, also you mentioned River Street. What else is on the agenda during this busy construction season in the near future? 

Maryse- A lot of it (are) those projects we are going to move onto Thatcher (Drive) east of Main Street. But that's going to happen a bit later in the summer. 

Rob- Okay, that’s another area that needs some work too, right? 

Maryse- Yes, yes. We are trying to hit all of them. 

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