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Levi Wright. (Kallie Wright/ Facebook)

Rodeo star Spencer Wright and his wife, Kallie, are grieving the loss of their three-year-old son Levi after a tragic accident last month. 

Levi was playing with his tractor in the backyard of the family home when he drove into the creek and taken a mile downstream by the current. He was in the hospital for two weeks where he received treatment and subsequently recovered.

While he did regain consciousness, and doctors were hopeful, he did not survive.

Kallie shared a video tribute on Facebook saying, "We love you Beans!"

In his obituary, which can be found online, Spencer and Kallie said, "Levi was exceptionally thoughtful and considerate for his age. He was constantly thinking of others. His heart was pure, tender, and oversized. Levi loved his big sister, Steeley, and playing with her was one of his greatest joys. They were instant best friends. The verdict was still partially out on his baby brother, Brae, but Levi often asked to 'hold baby.' Levi was a die-hard Grandma’s boy, always asking to go to Gamma’s house."

His parents also shared that Levi loved going to church with his grandma and was quite smart for his age. 

“Levi had mastered his colors, counting to seven and early heavy equipment operation as Dad’s right-hand man. His Dad was who he looked up to most; he wanted to be just like him and was well on his way,” the obituary said.

Kallie gave an update on Facebook saying that what Levi did, was not out of the ordinary. "There is a creek that runs through our 24-acre property and separates our house from Grandma and Grandpa's, through that creek is a road made of concrete. It's how we've gotten to their house safely most days as sometimes our dirt road is a NASCAR raceway. My kids have ridden their bikes, driven their ride-on toys & even walked this way a million times. Water only runs through for a short time during the year and can change overnight. Levi did not do anything he hadn't done before, but this time the water was at its peak & strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he drove through."

Levi is survived by his grandparents, Bill and Evelyn Wright and Brent and Connie Wonnacott; parents, Spencer and Kallie;  siblings, Steeley and Brae, and many others including aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. 
