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Art Brochu/An Extended Tour Blog
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Photo Courtesy: Art Brochu/An Extended Tour

80-year-old Art Brochu is on an incredible journey right now, cycling over 2000 kilometers in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation.  

Brochu left the Fort McMurray Cancer Centre on June 10 and is hoping to visit seventeen different cancer centers across Alberta before finishing his tour in Medicine Hat on July 29, 2024.  

When asking him about his motivation behind his journey, he shared about many loved ones who have fought cancer. “It's been heavy in the family, and I've seen a lot of improvement over the years with cancer treatment and care, but we still got a long way to go.”  

Brochu will be at the Grande Prairie Cancer Center on June 14 and be back on the road June 15. He extended the invitation for anyone who would like to take part to join him on part of the ride.  

“If anybody wants to come cycle with me, come on out!” 

You can also support Art Brochu’s journey by donating to the Alberta Cancer Foundation. The link and more information can be found on his blog An Extended Tour.
