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Tanya S DNOD Winner
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Photo: Tanya Stedel FB page

Congratulations to Tanya Stedel from Dawson Creek Alliance Church/Youth Ministry our latest Date Night on Daniel winner.

She won a $100 gift card to Mr. Mike's Steakhouse Casual and a Cineplex gift card courtesy of Daniel Cram of Sutton Realty.

Michelle nominated her, "Tanya has tirelessly helped out or organized and lead our youth ministry off and on for many years, and particularly since the fall of 2021. Besides this, she teaches Sunday School faithfully Sunday by Sunday. She has always arrived with a cheerful and willing spirit. Her love for the youth and children and desire to encourage them in their personal relationship with Christ is evident. All of Tanya's volunteering is done without fanfare or seeking recognition. She just quietly goes about filling the need. I think it would be a delight to honour Tanya and her husband, Todd, who comes alongside her to help."

Nominate your ministry leader today for a Date Night on Daniel.
