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After 25 years of spreading the gospel through song, Hear the Music Ministries is coming to a close. (Jon Buller/Facebook)

After 25 years of spreading the gospel through song, Hear the Music Ministries is coming to a close.

"After a lot of thought and a lot of prayers and many conversations with folks who have walked alongside me and been part of this ministry for a long, long time, the decision has been made that this will also be the last year of operations for Hear the Music," said Jon Buller in a video statement. 

The goal of Hear the Music was to gather, equip and care for musicians, artists and leaders so they could serve their churches and communities while they point people to Jesus Christ.

"Everything is good. It's a hard decision," said Jon. "It's an emotional decision, but it feels like it's the right one for this time."


A post shared by Jon Buller (@jbuller)

Buller says that a lot of things have changed over the years.

"Some stuff is harder now than it used to be. Some stuff is easier to do," Buller explained. "Technology has changed the way music is consumed, marketed and distributed. The way ministry is done has changed."

Jon continued saying that even he feels he has changed over the years.   

"Certainly, I know, my passion for music and ministry is alive and well, but I also know it is time to lay this particular thing down."

Jon has plans to continue singing and leading worship, but he says he won't be doing it as a full-time vocation. 

"There is a cool new gig I have in business development with a new and exciting company in Vernon called Agile BK," said Buller. 

As the ministry comes to a close, people are encouraged to celebrate and share the good things that have happened over the years. 

There will be opportunities online and in person to sing the songs, tell the stories and celebrate the things God has done through Hear the Music. 

"Thanks to all of you that has been part of this crazy, wild, wonderful adventure of God's work through music ministry worship arts and leadership. I feel so blessed to have been a part of it."

The charity will wind up within the next six months. 
