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SGI is looking to make sure people are staying safe on highways as construction season is in full swing for the province.

That includes making sure those highway workers are safe, with plenty of signage to help drivers know when to slow down.

SGI Spokesperson Tyler McMurchy says that people should make sure they're paying attention if they come across construction.

"It's a great time of year to hit the highway, but it's also a great time of year to repair highways and drivers will absolutely see a lot of construction zones throughout the province pretty much anywhere you travel, you're are very likely to encounter an orange zone."

"We just want people to remember that that is someone's workplace and we want drivers to be alert, be patient, and respectful of the people who occupy those orange zones who are working hard to make the roads safe for us to travel. So the very least we can do is provide them that of making sure that we drive courteously through those work zones and keep them safe."

McMurchy reminds people to slow down for construction when a sign is present even if they don't see any present in the area.

"Even if you don't see workers present, there may be other safety hazards in work zones that include lane reductions or sharp pavement drops, loose stones, maybe there's some fresh oil that needs time to dry and could be slippery at high speed, these are some of the things that if you see orange slow down essentially."

People should also follow the rules to avoid a costly ticket that comes with speeding in a construction zone.

"If you are passing through a work zone where workers are present and it's zoned for 60, the speeding tickets are much more expensive for that than a regular speeding ticket. So that's another thing to keep in mind."

Author Alias