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The Lane Surfers from left to right Eileen Roles, Joann Biehl, Gerry Armstrong, Karen Ferguson, Adela Meyer

 The Lane Surfers five-pin bowling team is heading to Quebec at the end of the summer.  

They hope they will come back with something to show for it, as they will be traveling there to compete in the Canada 55+ Games after a first-place finish in the 65+ 5 pin bowling category at the Saskatchewan Senior Fitness Association (SSFA) 55+ Provincial Games that were held last week in North Battleford.   

In the three-team tournament, the Lane Surfers representing the Prairie Central, won the gold medal, besting squads from South West and Rivers West regions.   

Five local members comprise the Lane Surfers: Eileen Roles, Joann Biehl, Gerry Armstrong, Karen Ferguson, and Adela Meyer.    

It will be a completely different type of game when the Lane Surfers head to Quebec for nationals. After competing in five-pin, the bowlers will try their luck in Duckpin. 

“There are ten pins instead of five,” explains Ferguson, “the pins are shorter and wider, there, they are harder to knock over.”   

Another adjustment for the bowlers will see their average score lowered for the competition, to attempt a perfect game, which has never happened in Duckpin before. 

The change to Duckpin will mark a true home-field advantage for Quebec, as they are the only province that competes in Duckpin, making them the heavy favourites.  

Meyer has done some research and anticipates some adjustments will be needed.   

“Just from reading about it, it says don’t aim for the headpin, as you’re going to need a curve in the ball.”  

“And I also think we’re going have to throw harder,” Ferguson pointed out.  

The Lane Surfers compete in a couple of league nights and have a steady dose of practicing, which will only increase as they gear up for the national competition.  

This year will mark the second trip for the team with three members of the squad taking part in the nationals held in Kamloops. 

The Canada 55+ Games will run August 27-30, and as a part of their stay, the Lane Surfers will spend an extra day in Quebec City, a new destination for the team. Besides bowling, a highlight from the competition will be a walking tour of Old Quebec City that has drawn rave reviews from people the bowlers have spoken to.   

An opportunity to travel to Quebec is probably only made possible because of their win at the provincial championship, which Meyer appreciates.   

“It’s exciting, everyone says it’s a trip of a lifetime,” she said, “I would have never gotten there otherwise I think.”  

Ferguson is thankful for the SSFA 55+ Games to give the athletes something to compete in, an advantage that athletes 20 years ago didn’t have. Athletes 85+ took part in the games in North Battleford.     

Other local athletes heading to the national summer games after a strong showing in the provincial championships included Fran Schidlowsky in single bowling and Myrna Ruthven and Dennis Klimosko in golf. 

Author Alias