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Every kid has their thing. Some are natural artists. Some dedicate their free time to music. Some do a little bit of everything. Others love staying active, playing every sport possible.  

In Swift Current, one of the best ways for kids to find, or refine, their passion, is through the Swift Current Minor Football (SCMF) leagues. 

With programs for kids ages six to 13, youth players have an incredible opportunity to learn the game, grow their skills, and take the first steps in their sports careers. 

“Our main goal is player development,” says SCMF President, Tyson Congdon. “We want to make sure we’re getting kids ready to play at whatever their next level is, whether that be high school, post-secondary, or just getting from U8 to U10 flag football.” 

And, of course, “helping the players get better every year,” he adds. 

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For Tyson, one of the most rewarding parts of coaching minor football is watching the players discover their talent. 

“I’ve coached the U14 and high school teams in the past, so one of the biggest joys is seeing players grow throughout the years…going from seventh graders who can’t catch to being some of the best players in the province.”  

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Part of this success comes from the safe environment SCMF creates on the field. 

“Our coaches and officials are all people of authority, role models, to these kids,” says Tyson. “So, they all have the Safe Places Certification. We make sure the people teaching important life lessons to these kids are people who are safe for them to be around.” 

And, of course, the parents are a huge part of this success as well. 

“We couldn’t do any of this without the parents in our program. They’re the backbone that keeps everything going. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to support their kids,” says Tyson. 

The coaches do everything they can to support their players on the field, but there’s also plenty going on off the field to get these kids in the game. SCMF works closely with KidSport and Jumpstart, and they also have a helmet buyback program that ensures kids are safely geared. 

“Helmets are super expensive,” says Tyson. “But they’re essential pieces of equipment. However, by the time kids are finished their time in minor football, they’ve grown out of them.”  

It’s no surprise to parents with kids in sports that keeping up with sports gear as kids grow can come at a huge cost. This is why SCMF offers to reimburse a portion of the helmet cost and purchase it back once the players are done. 

“We provide helmets regardless,” adds Tyson. “But some players prefer specific helmets, like speed flexes. So if they buy them, as long as they match our league colours, we’re able to curb a bit of that cost for parents.”  

And, if families need additional financial assistance with equipment or registration costs, SCMF is happy to offer support through KidSport and Jumpstart. 

“We have a good working relationship with them,” says Tyson. “We want all our kids to have an equal chance to play, so we do our best to make sure there are as little financial barriers as possible.”  

SCMF also offers spring camps for those kids who are still looking for their thing. 

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“Our week-long spring camps give kids the opportunity to see if football is the right fit for them, instead of committing to a full three-month season,” explains Tyson. “This also helps keep the cost as low as possible for parents.” 

In the off-season, SCMF runs a free weekly drop-in training camp, too. Players of any age – both minor league and high school – can stop by and practice with the SCMF coaches.  

“We’re happy to be there to help the kids get better without adding additional costs,” says Tyson. 

Right now, with football season getting closer, registration for all age divisions is open, from UA to U14. Anyone who will be in grades 1 through 8 this fall is eligible to register, with the season beginning at the end of August.  

“Registrations tentatively close August 1st,” says Tyson. “But if players are late for registration for any reason, we’re pretty accommodating, so they’ll be soft-open until our first week of games.” 

You can register online now at SCMF.ca, or get in touch with Tyson with any questions or concerns.  

“I can’t wait to get back on the field,” says Tyson. “There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more.” 

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Author Alias