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Cindy-rella’s founder Cindy Friesen
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Cindy-rella’s founder Cindy Friesen

It’s not what you want cleaned- it’s why you want it cleaned. 

“It’s the first question I ask. Because it’s more than just having a clean house,” says Cindy Friesen, owner of Cindy-rella’s Cleaning Service, a name that is quickly becoming familiar with both residential and commercial clients in and around Steinbach.   

“There’s usually something behind it as to why they want cleaning,” Friesen continues. “Either they’re too busy, their health is bad, or they have mental health issues. It’s always something. It’s not that we want to pry, but if we know the reason behind it, we can better help.” 

With the shift away from one-time cleans towards recurring weekly, biweekly, or monthly visits, the Cindy-rella’s team is maximizing the effect of their services far beyond the scheduled appointment.  

“We want to make sure that we can help them in their life more than just having a clean house.” 

When the little messes sit, things pile up, compounding into what is no longer such a little mess. Overwhelm sets in, shortening tempers and heightening anxieties.  

“We’ve been told that we’ve eased mental health issues, that they were at the end of their rope,” Friesen confides. “But just by us coming and cleaning, that was one thing they didn’t have to worry about anymore. We’ve been told that we’ve saved marriages because arguments about cleaning didn’t happen anymore! Now they could focus on their relationship and their family.”   

The most common clients, Friesen has discovered, are dual-income households. Families with young or school-age children who spend their days working and their evenings at extracurriculars. Rather than having weekends to recharge, these families are now tasked with handling everything that has piled up over the week. 

“‘Not enough time’ is the most common reason that we hear,” Friesen says. “We love being able to give people their time back. Because it’s important to take those weekends off to rejuvenate for your next week. If we can come do the cleaning for you, you don’t have to even think about it all weekend long.”  

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So what does the average first appointment with Cindy-rella’s look like?  

“You want to try it out, so you give us a call.” Friesen continues. “We come over for an estimate, because every house is different and we want to give you a proper figure. We’ll talk. We’ll see your house. You can tell us what your problems are, and what’s important to you.”  

For those who are already considering pre-cleaning before the Cindy-rella’s staff come over, Friesen laughs the thought away.  

“No pre-cleaning. If you’d like to tidy, clear the floor a little. Put your kids’ stuffed toys on their bed, so that the floors are visible. Other than that, you do not have to clean before we come- we want to be able to see the difference we’re making.”  

The first step towards hiring a cleaner may be hard, but it is by no means a long-term commitment.  

“Just get on the schedule,” Friesen adds nonchalantly. “If weekly or biweekly is too often for you, we can go to monthly. You can cancel appointments anytime. There are no contracts, so why not try it?” 

Get your time back- contact Cindy-rella’s Cleaning Service to learn more.  

Author Alias