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sound of hope (Angel Studios)
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Demetrius Grosse portrays Rev. W. C. Martin who along with his wife Donna led a movement of adoptions of vulnerable children in their community of Possum Trot, Tex. (Angel Studios)

The lead actor in the new Angel Studios/Daily Wire film, Sound of Hope, believes the movie has the potential to inspire a significant adoption movement within the Christian community.

The film, titled Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot (PG-13), showcases the true story of families in a small East Texas town who adopted 77 of the most challenging children in the foster care system, guided by the leadership of Rev. W.C. Martin and his wife, Donna Martin.

Set to premiere on July 4 in theatres in Canada and the USA, Sound of Hope will be released by Angel Studios, the same studio that produced last year’s blockbuster, Sound of Freedom. The release comes as part of a new partnership between Angel Studios and Daily Wire, announced earlier this month.

The film reveals that there are approximately 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system, with 100,000 waiting to be adopted. Marvel star Letitia Wright (Black Panther, Wakanda Forever) serves as an executive producer for the film.

Demetrius Grosse, who portrays Rev. Martin, emphasized the Christian call to care for the less fortunate. Quoting James 1:27, he said, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

In an interview with Crosswalk Headlines, Grosse stated, “It’s not about whether or not you’re Lutheran, Episcopalian, Evangelical, Nondenominational, Baptist, or Pentecostal. If you have a relationship with Christ, and you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, you can do something to help orphans and those less fortunate. And there can be happy endings; there can be positive outcomes.”

Grosse highlighted the Martins’ journey, noting that they are not wealthy and began the adoption process with faith that God would provide for their needs. The couple intentionally chose to adopt children who were often overlooked. At one point in the film, Rev. Martin tells an adoption worker, “We want the ones that others don’t want.”

“These are humble, salt-of-the-earth people who are trying to hold it together. But they don’t allow what they don’t have to stop them,” Grosse said. He described the film as a testament to the “power of faith.”

“It’s these kinds of stories that just make my heart full,” Grosse added. “And these are the kinds of narratives that I think the world needs more of.”

Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot is rated PG-13 for thematic material involving child abuse, some violence, language, and brief suggestive material.
