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Phoenix with her best friend Tan
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Phoenix (right) with her best friend Tan (left). (Photo courtesy of Joyce Perrault)

Seventeen-year-old Phoenix has been fighting for her life since 2021 when she was diagnosed with stage four bone cancer, and she recently received some tough news again. 

On July 2, the teen who had her entire right leg up to the hip amputated shortly after being diagnosed, found out that the cancer has now spread to her sacrum, spine, and lungs. A recent MRI and CT scan showed the spots. 

"They said, if it gets on my lungs, I might only have a few months to live," Phoenix shared during a video interview. 

Phoenix's mother, Joyce Perrault has been fighting alongside her daughter since she was diagnosed. Her Christian faith in God has allowed her to pray fervently over Phoenix as well as ask as many people as she can to pray. 

Phoenix is no stranger to near-death experiences as in 2022 she went into sepsis and almost died. She had another scare in 2023

"She's such a miracle child," says Perrault. "She's my hero."

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Phoenix in the middle with her mom Joyce and stepdad Daniel. (Photo courtesy of Joyce Perrault)

Phoenix, her mom, and stepdad Daniel have been given the green light by doctors to continue with their trip to the East Coast of Canada. The three of them will be leaving in two weeks and staying for 10 days. 

"We'll be going to the East Coast, everywhere there," says Phoenix. "My mom's booked a few boat tours. I'm excited to try lobster. I think it's really beautiful there, as my teacher showed me a few pictures from when he went. I think it's going to be really fun."

Phoenix shares how much her mom and stepdad have helped out in the last few years. 

"She's trying to stay strong for me even though it's really hard. She prays a lot. [My stepdad] has been really helpful. I'm glad he's here with us."

Perrault has been sharing Phoenix's cancer journey on social media since 2021, sharing the highs and lows that Phoenix continues to face, all the while asking for prayer. 

"There are nice people that are praying for me, on Facebook," says Phoenix. "Any kind of praying is good. I'm grateful for all of them."

Perrault asks, "Please pray her spine holds up for our trip. Pray hard and for peace."
