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“Building a community of people, creating a space for people to have their happy place- that’s what we’re trying to accomplish here.” 

Ashlea Street is a local resident and part of the management team at Northshore Resorts on the edge of Buffalo Pound Lake, and there’s nothing about this hidden gem that she isn’t passionate about. 

“People are quite surprised when they come and see it,” she shares. “When people drive in, I have to tell them to keep driving in further. They think that they’re coming into a big field, and then when they come over that hill, it’s like the curtains open. The view is just spectacular.”

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Street understands how so many are unaware of Northshore Resorts and all it has to offer, as these changes were only made a few years ago.  

“Five years ago, this area was pastureland. The amount of infrastructure that has been put in is incredible.” Street continues. “People do their own construction. Once they’re finished that, they start to work on landscaping, things on the cosmetic side. And of course there are plenty of trees between properties. It’s beautiful.”

While some refer to wintertime as the off season for resorts like this one, Northshore Resorts is busy year-round. During the colder months, the ice is regularly covered in fishing shacks, lighting up the lake late into the night. Visitors and residents also enjoy snowmobiling on the many trails, tobogganing, and skating. 

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“We’ve got lots of things for people to do,” Street adds in regard to year-round attractions. “We have an amazing social committee that come up with different things.” 

Sites are for lease or purchase, with options to build, park an RV, or camp. Favored amenities include the beach, pool, boat launch, marina, 10 kilometers of trails, parks, and hundreds of acres of green spaces. Lots are 75’ wide, ranging anywhere between 125’ and 300’ in length. Seasonal RV lots are also on the large side, sitting at an average of 75’ by 100’. Best of all, there are many financing options including the 0% down program.  

There is currently one four-season cabin for sale for $354,000, featuring two bedrooms and one bathroom. The property includes a complete shoreline, gorgeous deck, and beautiful view. 

“When you come here, your shoulders just relax,” Street shares when asked about her favorite thing at Northshore Resorts. “It’s just one of those places. I think it’s the view that gets me the most. ” 

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Anyone interested in learning more about this wonderful year-round community is invited to come around for a visit, or to contact Ashlea Street personally. 

“I will make myself available to give you a full on tour,” Street shares. “And it will be the best tour you’ll ever have!” 

Ashlea Street can be reached by call or text at 306-527-6937. Learn more about Northshore Resorts and all they have to offer on their website. 

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