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The Saskatoon RCMP received a report on Sunday, July 7 that several mailboxes near Sunset Estates in the RM of Blucher were broken into 

and suspicious objects left in them. An investigation determined one of the mailboxes was damaged by an explosive device. 

This morning, just before 10:00 am, Saskatoon RCMP received a separate report of an explosive device placed in a mailbox rural road 3040 in the RM of Corman Park. 

Further investigation has determined seven explosive devices were placed in the mailboxes in the area. Six of them were detonated, damaging the mailboxes. 

No injuries have been reported.

Saskatoon RCMP's Explosive Disposal Unit is also assisting with this ongoing investigation.



Saskatoon RCMP has determined the devices in the mailbox are modified fireworks.

Two additional damaged mailboxes have now been located. All involved mailboxes are east of Saskatoon in the RM of Blucher, and RM of Corman Park between Highway #16 and Highway #5.

The fireworks will not detonate, and thus are not a threat, unless they are lit.


Officers ask that residents not handle any suspicious or unknown devices found in mailboxes. If one is found, or if you have information about these incidents, call Saskatoon RCMP at 310-RCMP. Information can also be submitted anonymously by contacting Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or www.saskcrimestoppers.com.
