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Photo courtesy of CUPE Saskatchewan.

CUPE Saskatchewan’s summer BBQ circuit will be stopping in Moose Jaw for a free community lunch and some afternoon activities on July 13 at Elgin Park. Organized to celebrate the hard work of the region’s public employees, the event is open to all members of the public and will begin at 1:00 p.m.

“We’ll have the BBQ lunch, some giveaways and even a couple games for the kids,” says Kent Peterson, CUPE SK president. “Folks are welcome to come down and chat with public service workers and just be present in their community.”

The provincial division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees represents more than 30,000 members throughout Saskatchewan, working in fields such as healthcare, K-12 education, social services and municipalities.

“We’ve got a lot of members who work hard in and for Moose Jaw, providing services in and around Moose Jaw,” explains Peterson. “I think folks realize it’s not easy to work in our healthcare and education systems with what’s been going on the last while. We hope these workers and their families come out to the BBQ, but we’re also inviting the community at large.”

National CUPE president Mark Hancock will also be in attendance at Elgin Park, and Moose Jaw residents are welcome to RSVP for the event online. Peterson has already been flipping burgers at a number of other community BBQs and says they’ve been quite well-received.

“People just appreciate the opportunity to come down and enjoy something free for once, and chat with neighbours and see folks who live in their neighbourhoods and work at the local school or hospital,” he says. “Absolutely everybody in Moose Jaw relies on public services, whether or not they work directly in those systems. So everyone is welcome to come help celebrate public services and public service workers.”

CUPE SK is headquartered in Regina and can be reached by calling (306) 757-1009 or emailing cupesask@sasktel.net. Information regarding the Moose Jaw BBQ can be found on the organization’s website.

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