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There is no question that over the past several years Thursday afternoons are a Participant favorite here at the agency.

In 2019 Executive Director Ray Whitton began a music program that started with Participants playing simple instruments, learning melody and singing karaoke but since our humble beginning has turned into so much more.

With help from Recycling Centre Supervisor Ben Donaldson, Futuristic Industries has created several opportunities for everyone at the agency to engage with our community and province in song including “O Canada” performances with our choir at our beloved Bronco home games, and a show stopping rendition of the Tragically Hip’s “Ahead by a Century” at this years Telemiracle.

Music bridges gaps and has given us an opportunity to not just create and share our talents, but to build and support our community through our passion.

Music has remarkable benefits for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Engaging with music can significantly enhance cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Firstly, music stimulates cognitive functions. Activities like singing and playing instruments improve memory, attention, and language skills. Rhythm and melody help in structuring and organizing thoughts, which aids learning and communication. Studies have shown that music therapy can enhance speech and language development, providing an expressive outlet for those who might struggle with traditional communication methods.

Emotionally, music is a powerful tool for self-expression and regulation. It can help individuals process and express their feelings, reducing anxiety and promoting emotional stability. For many, listening to or creating music provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-esteem. The non-verbal nature of music allows for emotional expression without the need for words, making it particularly beneficial for those with limited verbal skills.

Socially, music brings people together, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Group activities like choir singing or drumming circles encourage cooperation, turn-taking, and listening skills. These interactions build social connections and improve social skills, essential for personal and community integration. Participating in music can also provide opportunities for positive reinforcement and social recognition, further enhancing social confidence and inclusion.

Music offers a multifaceted approach to supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities, promoting cognitive development, emotional well-being, and social integration. Through its universal language, music opens doors to communication, connection, and personal growth, enriching the lives of those with intellectual disabilities.











Author Alias