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The Gray Park is getting some love (photo via Chris Manderson)
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Photo Courtesy: Okotoks Online

Parks Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of July with participating parks across Alberta. Events and activities showcase the many ways Albertans enjoy recreating in Alberta’s provincial parks, and highlight the role parks play in protecting ecosystems, habitat and species-at-risk.

This year Alberta Parks celebrates 94 years as a parks system on Saturday July 20th.

Spending time in nature has been associated with increased personal well-being and overall quality of life. Escape your virtual world and get outside! Explore your favourite park or celebrate the day by visiting a park you’ve always wanted to try out.

Events and activities will be taking place in several parks across NW Alberta including:

Saskatoon Island Provincial Park - July 20, 2024 - starting at 1:00pm
Young's Point Provincial Park - July 20, 2024 - starting at 1:00pm
William A. Switzer Provincial Park - July 20, 2024 - starting at 10:00am

More details can be found on the Reach FM events page.

Information provided by Alberta Parks
