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New water restrictions bylaw was just passed at Monday's Town Council meeting. (File photo)
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Photo Courtesy: Okotoks Online

Today the County of Grande Prairie Council approved Bylaw 3234, the Water Restriction Bylaw which will enable sustainable water access for necessary uses during periods of extreme dryness and low water levels.

There are currently no plans to restrict water usage within the County of Grande Prairie, however the bylaw enables the County to respond if water levels in municipal water sources reduce significantly.

Should the need arise, the Water Restriction Bylaw will enable the County of Grande Prairie to implement water restrictions for customers connected to the County’s water systems. It applies to water users serviced by Aquatera and others who rely on the County of Grande Prairie’s water services. The Wapiti River is the water source for Aquatera.

The Water Restriction Bylaw outlines the circumstances when water restrictions may be implemented and how they will be enforced. Human health and safety are prioritized, while other uses are taken into consideration. Non-essential water use may be limited to certain times or prevented for any purpose other than emergencies.

In recent months, many municipalities throughout the province have responded to low water levels by putting water restrictions in place. For example, watering lawns or operating splash parks and pools may be limited to certain days, or hours of the day, to ensure water is available for drinking and other essential uses.

Residents and water users who have questions regarding their water services can contact the County of Grande Prairie Municipal Utilities Department at 780-532-7393 or Aquatera at 780-538-0340.

 Information provided by the County of Grande Prairie
