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Pictured is COPP in Portage, who have been active for many years. Carman area is hoping to get a group started as well.

A grassroots group is looking for a few extra sets of eyes and ears to help launch a crime prevention effort in the Town of Carman and the R.M. of Dufferin.
Monica Halbesma, Carman-Dufferin Fire Department's public education safety coordinator, says they've been approved to start a Citizens on Patrol Program (COPP).

"Unfortunately, our community has been experiencing some vandalism and car thefts," she explained.

"We don't want it to escalate," added Halbesma. "I hate to say it, but I'm sure there's a lot of communities that have this kind of vandalism and car thefts, so let's try and mitigate this. It's prevention."

The initiative follows a social media campaign, #9PMroutine, the group launched earlier this spring to reduce crimes of opportunity. Residents were encouraged to do a lap of their homes and yards at the end of the day to ensure their property was locked up, valuables hidden, garage doors closed and outside lights turned on for the night.

Contact information for Manitoba Crime Stoppers is already posted throughout the community, which is also serviced by the RCMP, but Halbesma feels having a Citizens on Patrol Program would help coordinate crime prevention in the area. 

"If we have an extra set of eyes and ears for getting out in the community to see what we can do and help out," she said. 

Citizens of Carman and Dufferin interested in becoming volunteers and getting the program off the ground, can learn more at an information session happening Thursday, July 18th. In fact, Halbesma says she's already had people reach out and express an interest. 

"This program is only successful on the amount of volunteers that we can conjure up," she said. Based on discussions she's had with other communities that have implemented the program, they usually start out with about 20 volunteers and dwindles a bit over time. "It would be great if you could have maybe a dozen or so."

Thursday's public information night starts at 7 p.m. at the Carman Community Hall and everyone is invited to come out learn more about the program. Halbesma says a Manitoba COPP representative will be there to answer any questions, volunteer applications will be made available along with forms to waive the $10 fee for the required Criminal Record Check. 

When a COPP program gets up and running will depend on how many people apply and are approved, and receive the necessary training.

Author Alias