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Brandon Taylor couldn’t have picked a better time to settle in Watson, Sk. And the local area couldn’t have wished for a more dedicated, meticulous painting company.

Lazerbeam Painting, which Brandon owns and operates, has found quick, meaningful work in Watson – located about 40 km east of Humboldt, near the corner of the #5 and #6 highways – and he expects the demand to only build further.

In addition to existing homes and businesses, about 2,000 houses are being zoned for the area, and BHP Mines has submitted bids for another 400 homes.

“There’s lots of work to do,” says Brandon, who’d previously been working in BC. “We can paint houses, businesses – inside and out – as well as grain bins, barns and furniture. We can also do cabinets, walls, ceilings, doors and trim.”

They do more than painting at Lazerbeam, which is why the company recently hired a Level 3 carpenter from Ontario. Brandon is a Red Seal painter, himself, and his dad, Mike, is an experienced painter, too.

“My dad is a master painter,” says Brandon. “He taught me a lot of the stuff I know, and anything I didn’t get through my Red Seal I got from my dad.”

Mike, for his part, is the company’s Project Coordinator, and he’s currently overseeing work on a 1930s farmhouse just outside of town.

“It probably hadn’t been painted in 50 years, and there were a lot of rotting boards and stuff like that,” he says. “We pressure-washed it so we could see what we were working with, and then we replaced a lot of boards and rebuilt and repainted the window frames. Now we’re priming and painting the house itself. When we’re done, it’ll look like a brand-new house – and in the 30s they really knew how to build houses.”

Lazerbeam prides itself on its product knowledge, its ability to diagnose what needs to be done and its precision painting and craftsmanship.

“We really want our customers to be satisfied, and we really want to build a name for ourselves through high-quality work,” says Brandon. “We’re going to come in and make sure at the end of the day that the job has been done right.”

To help with their busy painting schedule, Lazerbeam has been able to connect with graduating high schoolers who are capable and perhaps keen on a career in the trades.

“Some high school students don’t know what they’re going to do, so we’re able to bring them into our business and help train them into a trade,” explains Mike. “There’s a lot of construction going on out here, so we can maybe give these guys an opportunity to move into a construction trade and build a future for themselves.”

Mike adds that as the company grows, so too will be its breadth of offerings. They already provide pressure washing services, and looking ahead a few months they plan to do gutter cleaning and help homeowners install their Christmas lights.

“We have all the equipment to go up and make your home look beautiful,” says Mike. “That’s definitely a service we’re going to be doing here.”

Welcomed enthusiastically into the Watson community, the Taylors are right where they want to be, doing the work they want to do.

“It’s a very inviting community,” says Brandon. “I really like the people here. It’s nice when you can walk someplace and people already know who you are.”

Lazerbeam Painting, located at 200 SK-6 in Watson, SK, can be reached by calling (306) 231-8885 and emailing lazerbeampainting@gmail.com. Prospective customers can also connect with them on Facebook.

Author Alias