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Unsung Hero has officially surpassed over $20 million at the theatrical box office. (Unsung Hero Movie/ Facebook)

It's been almost three months since the release of Unsung Hero, and the film has now surpassed over $20 million at the theatrical box office.

In its opening weekend, the film, which shares the story behind the family of five-time Grammy Award-winning artists for King & Country and Rebecca St. James, hit No. 2 at the box office. 

"It was really amazing," said Richard Ramsey, co-director of Unsung Hero. "Whenever you release a film, you know, years of work in our case, literally years, goes into basically a 72-hour period. You have 72 hours to show whether or not the film worked, as far as audiences are concerned. So, to see audiences respond the way they did was encouraging and inspiring to us."

The film has now been released on DVD, Blu-ray and some streaming services, and it continues to see success.

"We were the number one DVD, and we might still be, and then we were also pretty high ranking in Blu-ray sales," said Ramsey. "Last week our DVD and Blu-ray were in the top 10 on Amazon. Again, it's just really exciting."

Ramsey says during opening night, a filmmaker texted him to say that he thought the film was just getting started.

"To kind of see his encouragement coming through, it's exciting."

Moving forward, Ramsey says he hopes the movie will continue to honour God. 

"I hope people will continue to be moved by the miracles and the story continually, even after seeing it thousands of times," Ramsey explained. "I also hope it will honour motherhood and mothers."

For updates on the film visit unsunghero.movie.
