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This weekend is Ste. Agathe’s 35th annual Cheyenne Summer Festival and the event kicked off with a parade!  

Emilie Roy, parade organizer says that the parade grows each year and shares some of the participants. 

“We’ve got lots of community members and businesses from Ste. Agathe. We have One Insurance coming, Hemp Oil, Caisse, we have the daycare, the school, and lots of other ones, Ted Falk, Ron Schuler, we also have each Municipalities.” 

The community looks forward to this weekend each year. 

“It’s awesome to see these folks come together for this parade, and we couldn’t do it without our volunteers and sponsors. So, we’re really happy to see this much of a turnout for such a small but big-hearted community,” says Roy. 

Eric Gagnon, chairperson of the organizing committee explains what goes on over the Summer Festival. 

“The weekend starts off with our parade, then transitions over to the Friday night activities which involve fireworks. We have a Francophone band that’s playing tonight. Also, we have our Cheyenne Scavenger Quest which is going to be a fun thing. The kids get to learn more about the history of Ste. Agathe.” 

He continues, “Then goes into the next day with the pancake breakfast. All the different tournaments, volleyball, fris-nok, we have a supper and then ending the night off with a social at the end of the night for folks to just let loose and have fun.” 

Gagnon says that the only problem with planning was the amount of people wanting to volunteer, which is an amazing problem to have. 

“This is really hands on deck. We have steering committee that’s about a dozen members, then from there, dozens and dozens of volunteers that volunteer their time to make sure this event happens.” 

He appreciates the community coming together and giving their time to make the event a success! 

“Volunteers are truly the heart and soul of the festival, it wouldn’t be possible without them, and it’s really great to see that sort of spirit of giving back is still alive and well here.” 

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Head over to the Wendy’s Show Us Your Summer contest page to find out how you can win the Shedtacular Contest!  

Each week, a winner is chosen, and they can choose between the weekly prize OR a Golden Ticket which gets you to the draw for the shed on August 29 at Clearspring Centre. 

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Check out some floats from the parade!
