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There are currently three fires classified as OUT OF CONTROL and four classified as BEING HELD in the Peace River Forest Area.

A wildfire burning 17 km southwest of Keg River is classified as Out of Control.

Air tankers, firefighters, helicopters and heavy equipment operators continue their fire suppression efforts to contain and control this wildfire. The cause is lightning.

Another fire located approximately 23 km northeast of Worsley is also classified as Out of Control. Air tankers, firefighters, helicopters and heavy equipment operators continue efforts to contain and control this wildfire. They are still trying to determine what sparked this blaze. 

And crews continue to try and contain the Out of Control wildfire located 23 km northeast of Cadotte Lake. This wildfire is approximately 26 hectares in size. The cause is under investigation. 

Since January 1, there have been 85 wildfires in the Peace River Forest Area, which have burned approximately 11,061 hectares. 

More information is available at https://srd.web.alberta.ca/wildfires-of-note

Information provided by Alberta Wildfire
