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Luke Nelson (Submitted)

Luke Nielson’s new song "Something Beautiful" is more than just another track; it's a testament to his deeply personal journey of faith and perseverance. Growing up in the small town of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, Luke attended a Christian school and later pursued ministry at Pacific Life Bible College. However, the sudden loss of his older brother led him to leave college and work with people with disabilities. Despite this shift, his passion for music never waned. Luke shared, “Whenever we played shows, those moments that turned into worship were the ones that were really impactful and the ones people talked about.” His journey took him to Bethel Worship School, where a two-week intensive reconnected him with his faith and set him on the path to becoming a worship pastor. 

Luke’s latest song, "Something Beautiful," was born out of a unique opportunity and a series of fortunate events. Encouraged by a friend, Luke submitted a song to a local radio contest, winning a trip to Nashville for a songwriting week. There, he met influential artists and co-wrote the song with Chris Clayton, a moment that solidified his calling. “I really have a heart for just kind of the simplicity and the beauty of the transformation of what God does in people’s lives,” Luke explained. The song’s profound lyrics and heartfelt melody resonated deeply with listeners, including a church custodian who urged Luke to record it. Inspired, Luke is now committed to sharing his music with the world, saying, “If they can bless people, if they can make people realize who Jesus is and what He’s done for them, then I think I’m doing my job.” Luke’s journey and his new song remind us all of the beauty that can arise from life's trials. 


