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With the devastating fires in western Canada, one Christian organization is setting up an evacuation centre to help affected families. (Samaritan's Purse/ Facebook)

With the devastating fires in western Canada, one Christian organization is setting up an evacuation centre to help affected families. 

Samaritan's Purse is in Kamloops, B.C. after the request of B.C. Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, the Christian disaster relief organization has sent a team of specialists to British Columbia, where they are setting up and operating a 100-bed evacuation facility.

Brent Davis, director of Canadian ministry products with Samaritan's Purse Canada says, "We're able to provide food, water, shelter, and a place where people can go if they have no other options. To be able to provide that place of refuge, we know that when most people evacuate they're able to connect with friends or family for a short period of time but there's always that segment of the population that's most vulnerable and they don't have any other options. We want to be able to provide that space for them so that they can be cared for and have a place of peace and rest in the midst of a traumatic experience."

At Samaritan's Purse, Davis says, "This is what we train for. We have incredible men and women who have ordered their lives around being able to help others. These are folks who are volunteering and taking time away from family and their work because they're passionate about helping others."  

Davis says that they're praying for rain, "Also we want to pray that the work that is being done is expressing the love of Christ through everything that we do, so that those that are hurting understand the mercy and the peace of Jesus."

He says, "These are significant responses. We know this wildfire season is going to be extreme, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We are receiving donations. The work we do is difficult and costly. We know it's going to last longer and after these wildfires fade from the news spotlight and headlines. The time is now to be able to help us help others for the long term." 

Donations can be made to Samaritan's Purse here
