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Eliezer Reyes, a man man who rescued a family of four from a fire
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Eliezer Reyes, a man who rescued a family of four from a fire. (Screenshot: WFSB 3/YouTube)

A family of four is grateful to a young adult from Connecticut who sprang into action when their house was on fire. 

Eliezer Reyes, a 23-year-old, was driving around with his girlfriend when he noticed a house in the area had smoke billowing out of it. Instead of continuing on to his destination, Reyes drove straight for the house. 

"I said, like, ‘Is there anybody in there?'" Reyes told the local news station. "And a lady put her hands out the window."

Reyes looked and saw that the woman had children with her, trapped on the second floor of the house. Courageously Reyes shouted to the woman to let her kid jump to him, promising he'd catch the him. 

"She didn’t trust me at first, but, eventually, she dropped her kid, and I caught him," Reyes said. "And then the other kid fell, and I caught him."

By this time a few other people stopped to help rescue the family. A man and woman in the house ended up dangling from the window and dropping down while people tried to help break their fall. 

Middletown South Fire District Chief James Trzaski weighed in on the situation, saying that Reyes made a 'huge difference' in the emergency. The woman, man, and their sons ended up only having minor injuries and some smoke inhalation. 

"To normal laymen, to put themselves in this situation is just unbelievable," the fire chief said. "And it speaks volumes about the type of person that he is."

The family has been treated at the hospital and they are expected to make a full recovery. 

"My whole life I always wanted to be a firefighter," Reyes told the outlet. "And I was like, ‘This is my chance to help somebody, maybe. I was just happy I was able to save them, because that was scary."
