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Canadian Christian artist Elenee.
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Canadian Christian artist Elenee lives in Saskatchewan with her husband and their two daughters. (Elenee/Facebook)

On top of releasing a new single, Canadian Christian singer Elenee keeps busy as a restaurant owner, wife, and mother of two. 

"In a world that is so consumer-driven, materialistic, and so far from the heart of God, which is abandoning everything and following Him, I just wanted to write a song that took that concept of leaving it all behind and going for Jesus," says Elenee. "It's also fun and sassy."

Elenee's new single 'I Don't Want It' is playing across Canada on the radio right now. The singer and her family live in Lloydminster, SK. 

Elenee shares a few ways that she 'denies herself and takes up her cross,' as her new single talks about.

"One of the biggest things that the Lord has been walking me through is dressing differently. Since I didn't grow up serving God in a large capacity, when I came to know the Lord later in life, I had to adjust a lot of my lifestyle. Not out of a need to please someone or fit into an institution or box, but it was because I was feeling convicted. Another thing I would say is just setting boundaries."

Living in Nashville with his family, Christian producer and singer Kaégan asked Elenee to be on a new single with him called 'PRVDR.'

"He said, 'Hey, I'd love to work together.' The song came at such a strange time in my life as I was having some health episodes that were super scary. I was in the hospital to rule out brain tumours and stroke. In the middle of these tests, I was sitting on this bed, and I came across the email from Kaégan. I was super excited to get to put it out. I hope it encourages the listeners as much as it has encouraged me."

Elenee will be releasing her first full-length album in September and she hopes to be going on tour in the spring. People can follow Elenee and her music on Facebook and Instagram
