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Orit Shimoni. Photo courtesy https://www.facebook.com/orit.shimoni.3

Welcome back for another episode of Made in Manitoba. This weekend, we're sharing, what we think, is one of the most unique ways to become a Manitoban we've ever heard.

Orit Shimoni is joining us for the first time, as we feature music from her album "Winnipeg". Now, how the singer-songwriter became Manitoban is a story full of challenge, uncertainty and loss.

After becoming a true troubadour, with no fixed address, playing across the country and travelling via public transit, Orit moved to riding the rails as a VIA Rail on-train performer for years. That lifestyle came to a sudden halt in March 2020 when the world shutdown, and she found herself stranded in Winnipeg, with no where to go.

And that's the start of her Manitoba story, how the album "Winnipeg" came to be, and why Orit Shimoni is with us tonight on Made in Manitoba.

She will tell us more about life on the road, how her experiences in Winnipeg waiting for the world to open again led to the songs she wrote and how after four years she's getting back onboard, and entertaining travellers on trains once again.

album cover for Winnipeg