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A couple of potentially tragic situations were avoided looking at the latest Biggar RCMP report (Photos via Biggar RCMP)

The Biggar RCMP narrowly avoided a pair of devastating incidents looking at their August 6 report.

CN police reported a near-miss between a semi and a train at the Oban Road crossing. Dangerous driving combined with a lack of awareness nearly caused the end of a blue semi pulling super-bs filled with grain.

"Disobeying the control signals and trying to beat the train can be a dangerous game. (CN) would like drivers to be aware of these safety concerns and avoid having your grain unload unconventionally."

While they were able to thankfully deliver the advice in a joking manner, you can see below (and in the title photo above) just how close it was to being a completely different story.

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Front-end footage from the train at the Oban Road crossing (Screengrab courtesy Biggar RCMP/CN)

Another intense moment came during the week along Highway 14. Whilst driving near Palo Road, an individual was forced to plan a daring escape after an electrical fire sparked.

"...disabled door locks and windows. The driver was able to escape through the partially open window before the truck became engulfed with fire."

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The vehicle did not escape the blaze, but thankfully the vehicles occupant did (Photo courtesy Biggar RCMP)

On somewhat of a lighter note, more material provided by police showed the aftermath of a collision with a fire hydrant. A vehicle rode along the sidewalk, "sheering off" the hydrant at 3 Avenue East near McPhee.

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Biggar members had themselves a doozy of a week, and the above calls were the tip of the iceberg (Photo courtesy Biggar RCMP)

Reports of stolen property during the week included a motorbike helmet and wallet being taken from a patron at Springwater's Route 51 Bar and Grill, the suspects later found to be travelers just passing through the area. A separate report from inside Biggar, a Husqvarna mower and its bag went missing from a residence on Third Ave East in town.

Police also handed out a few charges to people in the area. The following individuals will be appearing in court September 4. 

"A tire slashing incident will find 35-year-old Sheena Harrabek in Biggar Provincial court, charged for one count of Mischief under $5000 and failing to comply with a no contact condition. 36-year-old David Montgomery was charged with assault and 32-year-old Kenneth Wilson was charged for driving while impaired."

Traffic enforcement also kept police busy with it being the long weekend. As part of the 43 total occurrences, the detachment issued 11 tickets, and four warnings. Speeding violations along with intersection violations were at the forefront of those calls. 
